DAKODA’S DANCE ACADEMY – QUESTIONS - Frequently Answered Questions
A: Please email or call the school and we can advise you on the class or classes best suited to your child’s by what you tell us about him or her.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]During the first two weeks of classes, teachers may suggest a different class or level. Please print and fill out the online application form and bring it with you on your child’s first class. Enrollment at DDA and our waiting lists are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. When space opens up in a closed class, we will immediately call the first child on the waiting list to offer them the class. If that student cannot enroll, we will move down the list until we have an acceptance.[/show_more]Q: I’VE REGISTERED MY CHILD, WHAT DO WE DO ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS?
A: We recommend that you arrive about 10 minutes prior to the start of class to give you and your child ample time to get ready for class, or come 5 minutes prior already dressed.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]All children are encouraged to use the bathroom before the start of class. All schools have waiting areas. All students should be picked up immediately following the end of class.[/show_more]Q: MAY I STAY AND OBSERVE MY CHILD’S CLASS?
A: Parent’s Observation Days. All parents are invited to come, watch and celebrate their children’s progress at various times during the year.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]Please check with the teacher or school for the exact dates. Outside of these special weeks, we feel the presence of multiple adults creates a distraction by taking attention away from their teacher’s instruction.[/show_more]Q: WHY DOES MY CHILD’S CLASS SEEM TO BE DOING STEPS THEY’VE ALREADY LEARNED?
A: As in any sport or activity, physical movements must be repeated many times in order to achieve one’s personal best.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]Repetition will help train and define those muscles your child needs to be the best they can be. Even professional dancers repeat the basics daily.[/show_more]Q: WHEN DOES DDA ACCEPT NEW STUDENTS?
A: We accept new students through out the year,
[show_more more=+more less=-less]however students enrolling after January of each year will not be able to take RAD exams that summer.[/show_more]Q: IS IT MANDATORY FOR BALLET STUDENTS TO TAKE EXAMS?
A: RAD examinations optional for students; however, all type’s of performance are a typical part of dance education.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]It is important for students to be able to show their accomplishments to their family and friends. It can also build their self-esteem and confidence.[/show_more]Q: MY CHILD IS NATURALLY INFLEXIBLE, DO THEY HAVE TO STRETCH?
A: In short, Yes! Stretches are a very important part of dance training.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]A flexible body is more efficient, is more easily trained to strength and endurance, enjoys more range of motion, stays balanced more easily and is less prone to injury.[/show_more]Q: HOW OLD SHOULD A CHILD BE IN ORDER TO START DANCE CLASSES?
A: Children can start our specialist DDA Little Movers class as young as 2 ! Then progress into more structured classes as young as three and a half.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]These classes emphasize creative movements, posture and musicality & rhythm.[/show_more]Q: HOW MUCH DO CLASSES AT DDA COST?
A: All DDA classes are affordable and competitively priced. DDA also offers merit scholarships to students in need of financial assistance.
[show_more more=+more less=-less][/show_more]Q: WHAT ARE YOUR REFUND POLICIES?
A: Refunds are at the discretion of the Director.
[show_more more=+more less=-less][/show_more]Q: IS THE LEVEL ASSESSED BY AGE?
A: No. All students are assessed on ability, evaluated on an individual basis and regardless of age may be put into a higher-level class if their ability allows.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]However students wishing to take RAD ballet syllabus examinations must meet certain age requirements e.g. Pre-Primary must be 5+ Primary – 6+ Grade’s 1 – 5 – 7+[/show_more]Q: WHEN CAN MY DAUGHTER START POINTE WORK CLASSES?
A: Students must be enrolled in at least two, or preferably three, technique classes per week.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]In addition, students must be approved by DDA faculty to ensure that each student can participate safely. Girls must not go up on pointe (dance or exercise on their toes) until the bones of their feet are fully developed and the muscles, not only in the arches and legs, but also the lower torso, are strong enough to bear the stress. (Joan Lawson says ten; Gretchen Warren says eleven and Barbara Early quote an orthopedic surgeon who says, not until two years after menarche. Individuals vary, however, and this must ultimately be a judgment call by the teacher. In some cases, it may be wise to get a physician’s opinion as well, but pointe work before the age of ten is, or ought to be, out of the question.) They should also have had several years, at least three, and preferably more of proper training. All of this requires careful evaluation on the part of the teacher. Note that we have three requirements here: bones, muscles, and training. Once a dancer is ready, preparation for pointe work is a slow and gradual process. At first, it is just strengthening exercises at the barre. For example, simply going up on pointe and coming back down for perhaps no more than five or ten minutes. It is only after six months to a year of this that the girls start dancing on pointe in the centre. The entire process takes time and close supervision by the teacher. If a parent is knowledgeable about pointe work, they should observe the pointe work to see that enough time is spent at the barre.[/show_more]Q: CAN MY SON JOIN YOUR DANCE CLASSES?
Having a son of my own I understand how hard it is to find dance classes for boys.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]At Dakoda’s Dance Academy we have a wide range of dance styles to choose from ranging from Hip-Hop and Acro to Tap & Jazz. Check out our Dance Styles page for more information.[/show_more]Q: WHAT ABOUT………….?
We have done our best to answer the questions you may ask but let us know if you have a question that we have not answered.
[show_more more=+more less=-less]Every child is different and so is every answer.[/show_more]